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Technology Tools

This is my blog, blogs are a fun tool because you are able to make updates about your classroom

Discovery Education is a good tool for teachers to use. It has good videos and articles 

Kahoot is a fun way for students to take an assesment/review. This is a good tool for teachers because they are quicky able to see the resluts and what they need to reteach 

Scholastic is a great site for students to enchourage reading inside or outside of school

Spelling city is a great tool for students to be able to practice their spelling and sight words.

abcya is a good educational website for games, in all aspects of ela, math, science, and social studies. PK-5th grade 

Razkids is a good website where students read books and take quizzes based on their reading levels 

Istation is a fun interactive digital learning site for students to work on their reading and math skills

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